Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Register To Vote: DO IT NOW!

The common thought is "...my vote really does not get counted...", generally that is untrue and somewhat ignorant. Your vote DOES count, and is important. The fact is numbers do not lie. They may get tricky(just ask Florida), but a vote is a vote. Not only does your vote matter in local city and county elections, but your vote has an impact in every aspect of government all the way up to the Supreme Court at the federal level. This is not unknown, as much has been written of voter influence on the choices made at the national stage.

Some even will say that low voter turnout does not affect our policies, and I would agree that an ignorant, "puppet", or bought vote is worse than no vote at all. But I would disagree in theory, the reason being that in my opinion the best approach is to educate and encourage active participation in elections. An educated, objective, and informed voter can only help society, as well as encourage responsible government.

For a moment let's talk about local elections. Obviously the voting process is slimmer and simpler, with a historical tendency to convey a truthful tally and represent the people. An election for mayor or a vote on school bonds is your duty. Get registered and vote- make an impact without frustration but rather, resiliency. Do not be discouraged, your voter preference does not mean satisfaction. Candidates may disappoint or even anger you. Remain objective while listening to the angles. But always vote. Do not ever complain of policy in America if you fail to vote. A vote is in effect, an opinion of policy or policy-makers. Be pro-active, research and communicate with your lawmakers as well. Represent your vote, and your opinions.

Even in the upcoming Presidential Election, your vote is substantial. The Electoral College has, over the years, been scrutinized for its effectiveness and accuracy. It has been blamed for some "oddities", and has been hotly debated since the 2000 election produced a President who had lost the popular vote, in that case the difference was a half-million votes. It seems a substantial arguement, yet I disagree. In my opinion(I don't know much about the theory), the Electoral vote protects small towns and small states from having too little influence. If a popular vote existed, an un-balanced influence would put excessive power in the higher populated area or state. Oregon is a good example of that in regards to the influence the Portland-Metro area has on state elections. But as I famously said here earlier, "A vote is a vote." Of course your vote counts. Do your part and register to vote. And then educate yourself(and my friends) to the virtues of a particular vote.

The consequences of not voting are catastrophic. The powerful and arbitrary shall not rule if the people as a whole tally their opinions and ideologies and minimize the "factions" that the founders were so worried about, in particular Madison, who sought to minimize a certain tyranny with a vested and equal power in the people. That power in your local elections is useless if one does not vote. Local elections provide opportunity to influence taxes, government spending, school issues, and a mountain more of relevant, debatable issues. Statewide voting can influence regional policy. And at the national level, the educated and critical-thinking voter somewhat influences national ideology. Use that power like a stick. A big stick.

To register to vote :   http://oregonvotes.org/pages/voterresources/regtovote/index.html

The Oregon Secretary Of State is Kate Brown and the link above is the office homepage with links to register to vote, check status, or read about candidates and initiaves. These kinds of resources, as well as sites like Politico and The New York Times, are immeasurable in the quest for knowledge in the political arena. Use them.

John Blanchard fillets a South Santiam Summer Steelhead while camping at Waterloo Park.Not only does voting affect your county parks state policy, but water and fisheries is also a federal focus, and your vote determines rules and regulations. To a degree...
If this old Michael Jordan Wheaties box were sold on Etsy or Ebay, chances are the taxman wants a cut. Voting can determine policy when it comes to say, taxing items that should not be taxed, or excessive taxes. A majority of educated voters should be society's goal. Make it happen.
The "Field Gear", LBCC Baseball. Voting can influence state and federal money awards that LBCC uses to benefit its students and their futures. Register to vote and help enhance education.
Thanks for your time and REGISTER TO VOTE.

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Thompson's Mills State Park in Shedd, Oregon

Copyright Ronald Borst - April 6, 2017