Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Twelve 2012

Photos from December 2012, taken with a Canon EOS Rebel XTi and 4 lenses. The standard kit lens- the EF-S 18-55mm w/IS, the EF 75-300, a vintage Yashica Auto Yashinon DX 50mm f2, and a Vivitar 2x Converter were used in Manual Mode, which I am still trying to grasp. The 40 year old Yashica 50mm is Manual Focus/Manual Aperture, and very hard to shoot, but fun nevertheless. The two Canon "kit" lenses are bottom-of-the-line and are mediocre at best. The Vivitar 2x works well with the smaller 18-55 but is also low-end and is often dead weight. The pop-up flash unit on the Rebel XTi is rarely used as well and was not used in these photos. Learning has been interesting to say the least.

Shopping on Christmas Eve, that is tradition--at least for me it is.
Shooting in public, especially during the shopping season is dangerous to your health. Go ahead and laugh, but know this: 'Tis a true statement. Much debate has taken place about what is legally and ethically acceptable for a journalist to do with a camera in public places. I have been shooting non-stop lately and often have my camera dangling from its strap, hanging from my neck. One obviously disturbed lady tried to assault me at a bus stop for snapping her picture. The vintage lens wasn't in focus and as I was running(jogging), it was hard to get a good shot of her. At a bus stop...

Low light is a challenge. Learning and adjusting exposure as well as adapting to changing conditions requires study and practice. YouTube offers many tutorial videos on the techniques involving exposure, but in the end, experience is king. A few dozen shots in the welding shop, and only a few were any good.

Still Life < -click to link to Still Life @ DIY
Odd yellowy light on the mantle.
Knotted Bark 
The Albany Writers Network:
 Shirley Pollak, Dan Wilson, Evedene Bennett

Henry Pollak

Albany Writers Network Christmas Potluck

The Albany Writers Network has become semi-monthly for myself, after going the first time. I have to admit, my return is about people, rather than writing or even literature...the group is impressive in its hospitality, literary savvy, and enthusiasm. The network of writers, readers, and friends, is chaired by Evedene Bennett and meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. The members all have roles that pertain to meetings and functions, and all have writing to share. Fun indeed!

It has become routine, to walk my dogs and take photos. Sometimes we go to the Calapooia River, or to the park. Wherever we are, they seem to have also learned the routine: Walk. Stop. Take photos and pee. Repeat.

Elka, aged 5. Lover, licker, and Food Thief (very good at all)

The Willamette River

One of my regular backyard visitors.

 Montieth Park
The Edge Of Town, 12th Avenue, Albany Oregon


1970's vintage glass, A Yashica 50mm f2.
Yashica Yashinon DX 50mm f2 Full Manual Lens

The 4 photos above were a sigh of relief...finally getting the 40 year old lens to focus a bit. Whew!

More vintage Yashica 50mm f2:

Yashica Yashinon DX 50mm f2, Manual Focus & Manual Aperture 


 Downtown Albany
Shot with the Yashica Yashinon 50mm f2

Another shot with the Yashica 50mm, repeat after me: BOKEH.

Joe Esty speaks about "Generation Shift: Success In Any Era At Any Age"

My Holiday Cheer: Air Jordan IV Retro 1990...and I actually needed sneakers, Great Gift!
In the old days the spiral was a beacon for the wounded, barbers were pseudo surgeons.

The overblown hype, gray hair stress, too many ads, & expensive wrapping paper shopping season is over. Whew! That was rough. But the cheer remains, as we help our neighbor blow leaves, and hold doors open for old folks; buy a homeless a meal and maybe a blanket....the season of lights remains bright in our hearts. Santa Claus came to town.




Happy Holidays To All !

I'm not really into the resolution frenzy that happens at the New Year, and I quit tobacco 8 months ago. But one does reflect, I suppose, and maybe a goal for 2013? The last week or so has been fun, playing with the vintage Yashica 50mm, with its manual Aperture and manual Focus. Frustrating as well, as hundreds of shots were not any good.
A simple plan, really...learn how to use my talents to learn this camera to make better and easier money. The idea is to have my own freelancer website where I can sell my writing and my photos. Learning that process is the key to less physical labor and more time with my children, and the camera and reading/writing is a great activity for the kids too!
Looking back on 2012, it is easy to see improvements in my "social media" activity. My writing has become more defined, more newsworthy. The typos are less and less, and content is getting better. When I began this quest in April, my writing was wandering and technically soft. The blog articles now, are getting structure and readable content, with relevant links.  
That first venture into media, was photographed with a tiny Nikon point & shoot. The quietly inconspicuous little camera did well, until August. At a weekend concert event, the camera battery door broke, just as was setting up my tent. I shot the event with the battery compartment door ziptied shut. And I got some okay photos.
Now my skills are better, and my equipment is better. A notepad in my coat pocket 24/7. The DSLR Canon EOS Rebel XTi. Firmware upgrades...the learning is not over, the frustration is not over. The satisfaction is not over...
Good Luck in 2013 y'all!

New Years Eve 10pm 7th Avenue Albany OR

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Thompson's Mills State Park in Shedd, Oregon

Copyright Ronald Borst - April 6, 2017