Monday, February 22, 2016

Tale of Two Edits

Only one difference exists, really. And, that is perspective. Everybody has a different vision and a lot to say. But, folks tend to shoot either color or black 'n' white.

I shoot in many of the same places, often. I love the outdoors where I live, and it is a wonderful excuse to go hang out with my best friend.

My photos tend to be whatever artistic mood I am in. Editing is a small part of that, of course. I use an older Photoshop, CS5, but it gets me through.

Editing color is pretty straightforward. I tend to add a sliver of color and contrast and that is about it

Editing monochrome is also straightforward. I adjust the grayscale myself, gently adding some contrast. I try to overexpose the photo a bit, and the extra contrast lends a certain feel that is probably my own art.

My general opinion is to shoot and edit realistically. I like to tell stories, and I like to do that with photos.

Take care and post your photos in the comments.

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Thompson's Mills State Park in Shedd, Oregon

Copyright Ronald Borst - April 6, 2017